Succulent New Potatoes with Spinach (Aloo Palak)

Succulent New Potatoes with Spinach (Aloo Palak)

Small new potatoes and fresh spinach infused with aromatics spices makes this beautiful vegan dish a dinner staple. Quick and easy to make, this cooks up in less than 30 minutes. The warm spices add an earthy, rustic flavour.

I boil the potatoes first before assembling the dish and this makes the potatoes soft and tender. Infusing the potatoes with the earthy spices while they are warm helps the potatoes absorb the spices and favours.

I add the fresh spinach at the end and this way the spinach is wilted but and not completely soggy. This is a classic dish that can be served as a side dish, warm salad or on it’s own with rice, quinoa, naan or any flatbread.

Succulent New Potatoes with Spinach (Alloo Palak)
  1. Wash the potatoes well and cut in half lengthways. Put the cut potatoes in a pan and add enough cold water to submerge the potatoes. Bring the water to boil and let the potatoes cook for 8-10 minutes or until tender. Drain in a colander and set aside.
  2. Place a heavy pan or skillet on medium heat and add the oil. When the oil begins to shimmer, add the cumin and black mustard seeds. Heat until they being to pop, then add the sliced ginger and cook 1-2 minutes until the ginger is fragrant. Add the chillies, salt, ground coriander and cumin and cook for about 1 minute. Add the potatoes and mix. If the mixture is too dry add a little water to keep the potatoes from sticking to the bottom of the pan. Once the potatoes have been infused with the spices, add the spinach and cook until the spinach wilts. Sprinkle with the nutmeg and mix.
  3. Serve warm as a salad or hot with rice, quinoa, naan or any flatbread.